Hurtworld Graphic Design/UI Design

I have been a Graphic Designer since 2001 and have worked some cool design jobs over the years, so naturally my skills were usefuI in creating Branding and UI elements for Hurtworld.
I originally designed all the branding for Bankroll Studios and Hurtworld. I also designed the original UI for the game and some other elements including all the icons before they were automated by taking snapshots of the meshes from the game.

A large sample of the Icons I designed for each item in Hurtworld. Some were unfinished and some were never even used as items and gameplay changed throughout development. I got really quick at making these.

A large sample of the Icons I designed for each item in Hurtworld. Some were unfinished and some were never even used as items and gameplay changed throughout development. I got really quick at making these.

Left: The Bankroll Studios logo half designed by me and half by the talented Rich Warwick.
Right: The Hurtworld logo was all me. I wanted to show 3 main themes of Death, Guns and Cars. I think it hit those points well.

Left: The Bankroll Studios logo half designed by me and half by the talented Rich Warwick.
Right: The Hurtworld logo was all me. I wanted to show 3 main themes of Death, Guns and Cars. I think it hit those points well.

The original design layout for the Hurtworld game UI. Some of the other elements went into the game and some are concepts that may not have.

The original design layout for the Hurtworld game UI. Some of the other elements went into the game and some are concepts that may not have.

An early concept for the main menu screen background. The little subtle campfire would be animated flickering. Really wanted to express the loneliness, eeriness and isolation of the wilderness.

An early concept for the main menu screen background. The little subtle campfire would be animated flickering. Really wanted to express the loneliness, eeriness and isolation of the wilderness.

Some fake company Logo's that I made up. These are generally big jokes. If you Google translate some of the non-english words you'll see what I mean. I put these all over the cars, guns and machines in the game.

Some fake company Logo's that I made up. These are generally big jokes. If you Google translate some of the non-english words you'll see what I mean. I put these all over the cars, guns and machines in the game.

Design doc I created for our web developer to follow when creating our site.

Design doc I created for our web developer to follow when creating our site.

The main menu screen for the exit of early access for Hurtworld. In game this looks really nice with mouse input controlled paralaxing layers of the palm tree foliage, helicopter and backdrop. A subtle but interesting variation on a menu screen,

The main menu screen for the exit of early access for Hurtworld. In game this looks really nice with mouse input controlled paralaxing layers of the palm tree foliage, helicopter and backdrop. A subtle but interesting variation on a menu screen,