Need for Speed: No Limits - Halloween 2022

This is the 2022 Halloween Event that was released for Need for Speed: No Limits. I worked on this under the Art Direction of our very talented Lead Artist Aaron Hoffman. 'Hoff' was responsible for the road textures, skybox painting and track design (and probably a bunch of other things I can't remember at this time) The VFX was all done by the also very talented Grigor Pedrioli. Those green UFO vortex clouds are killer!

I was responsible for the large aircraft, UFO's & their animations, searchlights & their animations, orange alien pods, busses, trucks, terrain creation & a bunch of other items including the large hangar's & some smaller buildings.

I had to reuse the existing track textures for the hills & terrain as we wanted to keep the draw calls down and also for the track to match the existing track that we simply extended into the large air base you see in all the images.
This was a lot of fun to create and dusting off my animation skills from years past was a side bonus!

One of the UFO's I modeled, textured and animated. Note the little Humvee being sucked up by the UFO too.

One of the UFO's I modeled, textured and animated. Note the little Humvee being sucked up by the UFO too.

Some of the searchlights I made and animated.

Some of the searchlights I made and animated.

I created the Hangar, Plane & UFO in this shot.

I created the Hangar, Plane & UFO in this shot.

The end of the track which terminates in a runway showing a hangar and searchlights.

The end of the track which terminates in a runway showing a hangar and searchlights.

This UFO was intended to be part UFO, part pumpkin to fit in with the Halloween theme. It's not super obvious but that was the idea, to have it linked to the event but not in a way that was weird. We thought a floating pumpkin may have been a bit much.

This UFO was intended to be part UFO, part pumpkin to fit in with the Halloween theme. It's not super obvious but that was the idea, to have it linked to the event but not in a way that was weird. We thought a floating pumpkin may have been a bit much.

A lowered section of the track with alien pods and planes in states of disassembly.

A lowered section of the track with alien pods and planes in states of disassembly.

A plane graveyard near the end of the track.

A plane graveyard near the end of the track.

A hangar with a hole in the roof, I guess Grand Theft Aero is a thing with aliens? :P

A hangar with a hole in the roof, I guess Grand Theft Aero is a thing with aliens? :P

The plane graveyard, I created the plane and the orange alien pod and placed them around this part of the track. There's a bunch of plane parts scattered around also to sell the state of disassembly of the planes.

The plane graveyard, I created the plane and the orange alien pod and placed them around this part of the track. There's a bunch of plane parts scattered around also to sell the state of disassembly of the planes.

Closeup of the plane & pods.

Closeup of the plane & pods.

The track in all it's glory.

The track in all it's glory.

The track terrain I built & layout of all the assets.

The track terrain I built & layout of all the assets.

This plane I made has around 8 variants in different states of disassembly some missing wings, wheels etc.

This plane I made has around 8 variants in different states of disassembly some missing wings, wheels etc.

Some smaller buildings I made on either side of the track.

Some smaller buildings I made on either side of the track.

Hangar & UFO

Hangar & UFO