Beretta M9 for Hurtworld

A Beretta M9 for Hurtworld. All the assets I made for Hurtworld and Hurtworld's art style could be called 'Stylised Realism', in that our models are all fairly real in form and silhouette but the texturing is somewhat toonish. The style is infulenced by games such as Team Fortress 2, Borderlands and Overwatch. The weapons all tend to stray a bit more toward the rtealism end of this spectrum, but we chose this to make them more satisfying to look at. Very toony guns ten to lose their 'oomf' This gun started as a base mesh we purchased from a store, then I had a look over it and decided it needed some geo changes. After the changes I finished it all off (High Poly, Texture Baking & Texturing)